Never Used Symphony Before?

Me too, Let's create API with it together then...

Never Used Symphony Before?

Documenting The Process To Creating CRUD API using Symphony

Installing Symphony:


To be able to use it you must place it where you have installed PHP locally or use XAMP installation folder.

If you choose to use a manually installed PHP it means you have to edit the php.ini develop file and make a copy of it, then remove the "-development" in the file name.

  • The installer will make recommendations on which items to turn on in the ini file, to do that just remove the ";" before those items to uncomment the line.

  • So before you can install Symfony you must run the command to allow scoop to do its thing:


 Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
 # The above one is optional, needed to run a remote script the first time
 irm | iex
  • After that run scoop -help to check if scoop is installed.
   scoop install main/symfony-cli
  • When its done installing it will tell you "symfony-cli' (5.7.5) was installed successfully!".

  • Use symfony new --webapp my_project to create a application

  • Use symfony new my_project to create console, API or microservice.

follow :

  • Steps to create symfony project

  • To create a skeleton project we in windows we run

 composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton my-project
  • In mac I think we don't need the "composer" before "create...".

  • cd into the project cd projectName.

  • run symfony server:start -d to start the project.

Adding DB to Project:


  • I tried using the integrated terminal in VS Code but it did not work so this time around I am using cmd from File Explore.

  • Ran the command ```composer require doctrine``

  • Realized I was having error with which php version the project wanted so I moved the project outside of the htdocs in XAMP folder to another folder and the command worked.

  • To create a docker file for mysql on docker I used ./bin/console make:docker:database.

  • After trying different commands from the docs ```docker-compose exec database mysql -u root --password main`` actually works where, user is root and databases is main.

  • After the terminal shows that I am in mysql I ran show databases; to test.

  • When creating entities Doctren wants us to work with objects and properties not db models 'still need some clarity on this' & it uses the ORM to map the data to DB.

  • To create db models i used php ./bin/console make:entity.

  • Console was supposed to generate the entity with the repository in the project src folder but it only made the entity so I will try again n it should work this time.

  • At this point we have entities but no database to write to, create an entity i had to first install the doctrine migrations bundle Following composer require "doctrine/migrations"

  • and also run the command to add symfony config in yaml -> composer require symfony/yaml

  • Then I had to go to the Configuration Page and add the config...yaml file.

  • After adding the migration config I changed the migration path to the projects one.

  • Also on the same page you follow along on creating and populating the migrations-db.php

  • The command php ./vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrate was failing and throwing a 'driver not found error', so I went to enable mysql on the Program Files -> php.ini & the error changed to "An exception occurred in the driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it".

  • After many attempts the main thing that helped was installing mysql on the machine and not using the one that is on docker because that connection was failing.

  • So what's clear is docs commands starting with doctrine fail with some error based on how the project was generated but those starting with php ./vendor... eg php ./vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations status will work. size - 9w by 16 h

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