Documenting The Process To Creating CRUD API using Symphony
Installing Symphony:
- First installed composer-setup.exe.
To be able to use it you must place it where you have installed PHP locally or use XAMP installation folder.
If you choose to use a manually installed PHP it means you have to edit the
develop file and make a copy of it, then remove the "-development" in the file name.
The installer will make recommendations on which items to turn on in the ini file, to do that just remove the ";" before those items to uncomment the line.
So before you can install Symfony you must run the command to allow scoop to do its thing:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
# The above one is optional, needed to run a remote script the first time
irm | iex
- After that run
scoop -help
to check if scoop is installed.
scoop install main/symfony-cli
When its done installing it will tell you "symfony-cli' (5.7.5) was installed successfully!".
symfony new --webapp my_project
to create a applicationUse
symfony new my_project
to create console, API or microservice.
follow :
Steps to create symfony project
To create a skeleton project we in windows we run
composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton my-project
In mac I think we don't need the "composer" before "create...".
cd into the project
cd projectName
symfony server:start -d
to start the project.
Adding DB to Project:
I tried using the integrated terminal in VS Code but it did not work so this time around I am using cmd from File Explore.
Ran the command ```composer require doctrine``
Realized I was having error with which php version the project wanted so I moved the project outside of the htdocs in XAMP folder to another folder and the command worked.
To create a docker file for mysql on docker I used
./bin/console make:docker:database
.After trying different commands from the docs ```docker-compose exec database mysql -u root --password main`` actually works where, user is root and databases is main.
After the terminal shows that I am in mysql I ran
show databases;
to test.When creating entities Doctren wants us to work with objects and properties not db models 'still need some clarity on this' & it uses the ORM to map the data to DB.
To create db models i used
php ./bin/console make:entity
.Console was supposed to generate the entity with the repository in the project src folder but it only made the entity so I will try again n it should work this time.
At this point we have entities but no database to write to, create an entity i had to first install the doctrine migrations bundle Following
composer require "doctrine/migrations"
and also run the command to add symfony config in yaml ->
composer require symfony/yaml
Then I had to go to the Configuration Page and add the config...yaml file.
After adding the migration config I changed the migration path to the projects one.
Also on the same page you follow along on creating and populating the migrations-db.php
The command
php ./vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrate
was failing and throwing a 'driver not found error', so I went to enable mysql on the Program Files -> php.ini & the error changed to "An exception occurred in the driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it".After many attempts the main thing that helped was installing mysql on the machine and not using the one that is on docker because that connection was failing.
So what's clear is docs commands starting with doctrine fail with some error based on how the project was generated but those starting with php ./vendor... eg
php ./vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations status
will work. size - 9w by 16 h